Thursday, September 9, 2010

Conversion - Thunderwolf Cavalry Lord

Here he is pre greenstuff. This guy will most likely not make it to the tournament in October as I want to take a little more time with him but either way I quite like him :)

- Martok13

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Conversion - Thunderwolf Cavalry

These are my new Thunder Wolf Cavalry. As my Wolves are well and truly Chaos I thought the new plastic Juggernauts would be perfect. As you can see below they really do look pretty menacing. 

I will be adding "reins" to the Juggers using jewellers chain although I will not be adding this until the models are fully painted as I think painting around chains could be pretty tiresome. I have a Lord on Jugger coming up but he is pre green stuff at this time so when I have the green stuff on him I will post it up.

So this unit needs to be ready in less than a month as well as two squads of Long Fangs and their Razorbacks. So hobby wise I think this will be a very busy month although Halo Reach comes out next week which could cause some issues.......

- Martok